Cattle producers and allied agribusiness professionals still have time to renew or certify their training in Beef Quality Assurance. Most major packers and a sizable majority of local livestock auctions require or encourage their feedlot suppliers to have a current BQA certificate.
BQA trainings provide more than just market access, according to Beth Doran, beef specialist with Iowa State University Extension and Outreach.
“There is an economic incentive to be BQA certified," she said. "Research analyzing feeder cattle sold through video auctions indicates there was a premium of $2.71 per cwt. or $16.80 per head for cattle that had BQA listed in the lot description.”
Three late November trainings will be held in northwest Iowa as follows:
• Nov. 23, 10 a.m. to noon, ISU Extension and Outreach – Woodbury County, 4728 Southern Hills Drive, Sioux City. RSVP to 712-276-2157.
• Nov. 23, 1 p.m. to 3 p.m., ISU Extension and Outreach – Woodbury County, 4728 Southern Hills Drive, Sioux City. RSVP to 712-276-2157.
• Nov. 24, 10 a.m.-noon, ISU Western Research and Demonstration Farm, County Highway E34, Castana. RSVP to 712-423-2175.
To attend a session, RSVP to the site you plan to attend. Because of COVID-19, attendance at each site is limited and face masks are encouraged. Walk-ins will not be allowed. There is no cost to attend.
The BQA certification program is designed to provide producers with new information on carcass quality, cattle handling, health management, emergency action planning and industry issues. The workshops are a collaborative effort of Iowa State University Extension and Outreach, the Iowa Beef Center and the Iowa Beef Industry Council.
For those unable to attend an in-person training, BQA certification may be completed online at at no charge. For more information, contact Doran at 712-737-4230 or email