Amarillo cattle auction results

Amarillo Livestock Auction, Amarillo, Texas, reported receipts of 400 head of cattle selling on Nov. 30, compared to 600 head on Nov. 16 and 347 head a year ago, according to the USDA-Texas Department of Agriculture Market News, Amarillo, Texas.

Compared to two weeks ago, the feeder steers and heifers were not well tested; however, a higher undertone was noted. The trade activity was moderate on moderate to good demand. The slaughter cows and bulls were selling $1 to $3 lower. The supply included: 47% feeder cattle with 44% steers, 47% were heifers and 9% were bulls; 22% was slaughter cattle with 100% cows; and 31% was replacement cattle with 77% bred cows and 23% were cow-calf pairs. The feeder cattle supply weighing over 600 pounds was 16%.

Feeder steers: Medium and large frame 1, per hundredweight/actual weight, 9 head, 324 lbs., 175.00; 6 head, 384 lbs., 150.00; 2 head, 427 lbs., 159.00; 12 head, 458 lbs., 150.00; 3 head, 520 lbs., 155.00; 2 head, 645 lbs., 133.00 fleshy; 2 head, 662 lbs., 128.00 unweaned; 4 head, 752 to 790 lbs., 121.00 to 123.00 (122.02) fleshy.

Feeder heifers: Medium and large frame 1, 3 head, 344 lbs., 143.00; 11 head, 350 to 360 lbs., 135.00 to 145.00 (143.14); 8 head, 435 to 440 lbs., 129.00 to 135.00 (134.24); 8 head, 574 lbs., 123.00; 1 head, 605 lbs., 114.00 unweaned; 4 head, 663 lbs., 111.00 fleshy; 2 head, 752 lbs., 110.00 fleshy. Medium and large frame 1 to 2, 2 head, 305 lbs., 129.00; 3 head, 486 lbs., 130.00.

Feeder bulls: Medium and large frame 1, 6 head, 505 lbs., 127.00. Medium and large frame 1 to 2, 2 head, 495 lbs., 131.00.

Slaughter cattle: Cows, Boner, 80 to 85%, per hundredweight/actual weight, 9 head, 1100 to 1265 lbs., 48.50 to 50.00 (49.52) average dressing. Lean, 85 to 90%, 9 head, 1050 to 1100 lbs., 44.50 to 47.00 (45.29) average; 15 head, 1100 to 1125 lbs., 36.00 to 42.50 (37.83) low; 5 head, 1075 lbs., 32.00 very low.

Replacement cattle: Bred cows, medium and large frame 1, per head/actual weight, 2 to 4 year old, 1st trimester, 9 head, 1225 lbs., 825.00; 2 to 4 years old, 2nd trimester, 15 head, 1000 to 1250 lbs., 750.00 to 1000.00 (943.67); 2 to 4 years old, 3rd trimester, 10 head, 1075 to 1175 lbs., 735.00 to 950.00 (855.46); 5 to 8 years old, 2nd trimester, 1 head, 1050 lbs., 775.00; 5 to 8 3rd trimester, 1 head, 1150 lbs., 750.00; over 8 years old, 1st trimester, 21 head, 1275 lbs., 700.00; over 8 years old, 2nd trimester, 15 head, 1100 to 1275 lbs., 700.00 to 785.00 (769.32); over 8 years old, 3rd trimester, 4 head, 1125 to 1400 lbs., 710.00 to 785.00 (735.52).

Cow-calf pairs: Medium and large frame 1 to 2 with 150 to 300 pounds calf, per family/actual weight, 2 to 4 years old, open, 9 head, 1100 to 1225 lbs., 1075.00 to 1150.00 (1090.31); 5 to 8 years old, open, 3 head, 1175 lbs., 1025.00; over 8 years old, open, 11 head, 1200 to 1350 lbs., 950.00 to 1100.00 (983.80).