Panhandle State marks halfway on bull performance test

The beef bulls consigned to the 69th annual Oklahoma Panhandle State University Bull Test have completed 56 days of the 112-day performance test. The bulls have an average daily gain of 3.99 pounds and a weight-per-day-of-age of 2.84 pounds.

In addition to the bull test ration fed twice daily, the bulls have access to a grass hay ad-libitum. At the end of the test, measurements will be made on the frame score, scrotal circumference, semen characteristics, fat thickness, rib-eye area and marbling in the rib eye. Expected progeny differences will be computed on most of the bulls for calving ease, weaning weight, yearling weight and milk production on their heifer offspring. This performance data is available for the producers’ evaluation of their cattle and for use by prospective buyers in their bull selection.

Jared Bates, Perkins, Oklahoma, has the top gaining junior age bull with an ADG of 5.84 pounds. The bull is a son of EXAR Monumental 6056B. The second ranked junior bull is consigned by Mike Frey, Kingfisher, Oklahoma. The bull sired by Deer Valley Growth Fund has an ADG of 5.71 pounds. Two bulls were tied for third place with ADGs of 5.29 pounds—Bob Chaffin’s bull, Test #6-3 and Becky Vandike’s Red Angus, Test #18-1, sired by Andras Fusion R236.

Chaffin’s pen of four Angus is the top gaining pen of junior bulls with an ADG of 4.84 pound ands Vandike’s pen of three Red Angus bulls are in second place with an ADG of 4.72 pounds. Three sires are represented in this pen, Andras Fusion R236, HXC Hot Shot 4424B and WEBR Beartooth 887. Phil Light’s pen of four Angus are ranked third with an ADG of 4.18 pounds. Three sires are represented in this pen–Gardens 136 P2155, LAR Payweight 761 and Sydgen Enhance.

B&M Angus, Edmond, Oklahoma, and OPSU are tied for the top gaining senior age bulls with ADGs of 5.89 pounds. B&M Test #2-2 bull is sired by B&M Upshot 304 and the OPSU bull is a son of GAR 5050 New Design 8763. B&M has the third ranked senior with an ADG of 5.86 pounds on his Test  #3-1 sired by Jindra Acclaim.

Cody Barrington, Lawton, Oklahoma, has the top gaining pen of senior age bulls with an ADG of 4.44 pounds on five Angus bulls. Al Rutledge, Stillwater, Oklahoma, has the second place senior pen with an ADG of 4.27 pounds on three Angus. His Test #16-2 is sired by GAR Method and Test #s 16-3 and 16-4 are sired by Sydgen Enhance.

The next weight day is Jan. 5, 2021. Those interested in following the performance of the bulls through the test can contact Gwen Martin, administrative assistant, at 580-349-1500 to be placed on the mailing list to receive the performance reports.