Iowa State offers cattle condition information

Body condition scoring is an easy trait to record and is strongly correlated to cow productivity. But don’t overlook the value of body condition scoring your cattle multiple times throughout the year. A new four-page publication from Iowa Beef Center at Iowa State University has the information you need to do that.

IBC extension program specialist Beth Reynolds is one of the publication authors. She said utilizing a BCS helps producers consistently evaluate the nutritional status of their cowherd, which is powerful knowledge when sourcing feed on a budget.

“This factsheet walks you through the importance of body condition and the value of assigning a BCS to animals in your herd frequently,” she said. “It also explains the key differences to note when calling a BCS in the winter compared to the summer months.”

The publication, Evaluating Body Condition of Beef Cows In Winter, IBC 0140, is available at as a free pdf download on the Iowa State Extension Store.