
Read Habakkuk 1:1-5

I will take my post; … I will keep watch to see what the Lord says to me and how he will respond to my complaint. Habakkuk 2:1 (CEB)

Few things can dampen our resolve or put our faith to the test more than waiting. While we may struggle to accept it, God’s timing is God’s own. Habakkuk began his dialogue with God with a complaint. In his lament, he demanded God’s attention. He pleaded for justice as he looked at the violence and injustice around him in Judah. How could God allow such evil? But judgment against Judah would come. More astounding, the agent of God’s judgment on Judah would be a people Habakkuk thought of as even more wicked than the people of Judah.

When we question God, we may not expect a response; but Habakkuk did. When he questioned God, he did not quite understand God’s plan but vowed to wait. Scripture does not indicate how long the prophet prayed and waited for God’s vision, but Habakkuk remained steadfast and waited for God’s reply. Habakkuk’s prayerful response confirms his faith and obedience to God: “I will rejoice in the Lord; I will exult in the God of my salvation” (3:18, NRSV). Habakkuk shows us the value of waiting resolutely on the response of God, who works for our good.

Prayer: Everlasting God, thank you for hearing our complaints. Grant us patience as we wait for your response. Amen.

Thought for the day: I will wait on God’s promises.

—Hazael Alvarado Hernandez, Mexico City