Schemm to serve as ag advisor for Sen. Marshall

U.S. Sen. Roger Marshall, R-KS, announced the hiring of David Schemm as agricultural advisor. Schemm joins the staff with extensive knowledge of farming and farm programs.

In November 2017, he was named the U.S. Department of Agriculture Farm Service Agency’s Kansas state executive director. In that position, Schemm oversaw the implementation of the 2018 farm bill, three rounds of the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program and various other FSA programs.

“Agriculture is responsible for 40% of our state’s economy and since day one, I have prioritized my representation of the agriculture industry in Washington, D.C.,” Marshall said. “David comes to my staff with an unmatched understanding of farm bill programs and Kansas agriculture and will be an invaluable resource for Kansas farmers and ranchers.”

In his capacity on Marshall’s staff, Schemm will meet with agricultural groups throughout Kansas and advise the senator on agricultural and farm bill issues. Schemm grew up in Sharon Springs, Kansas, and received a bachelor’s degree in theology. After graduation he returned home to the family farm and custom crop-spraying business. He and his wife, Lisa, have two sons, Clay and Luke.

As a third-generation farmer, Schemm grows wheat, corn, grain sorghum and sunflowers. He is a member of the Kansas Association of Wheat Growers and National Association of Wheat Growers since 2002, and is also an active member of the Ag Data Advisory Committee, Field to Market Board of Directors and Ag Rail Business Council.