Lexington cattle auction results

Lexington Livestock Market, Lexington, Nebraska, reported receipts of 4,233 head of cattle selling on Jan. 22, compared to 4,031 head on Jan. 15 and 3,375 head a year ago, according to the USDA-Nebraska Department of Agriculture Market News, Kearney, Nebraska.

Compared to the previous week, steers weighing 450 to 650 pounds were steady to $6 higher with steers weighing over 650 pounds selling $3 to $7 higher. Heifers weighing 450 to 650 pounds were steady to $4 higher with heifers weighing over 650 pounds were selling steady to $3 higher. The demand was good from the buyers in the crowd. The supply included 95% feeder cattle with 62% steers, 38% were heifers and 0% were bulls; and 5% was slaughter cattle with 100% cows. The feeder cattle supply weighing over 600 pounds was 81%.

Feeder steers: Medium and large frame 1, per hundredweight/actual weight, 11 head, 432 lbs., 1850.00; 52 head, 458 to 485 lbs., 167.00 to 173.00 (171.38); 33 head 472 to 497 lbs., 156.00 to 173.00 (163.00) unweaned; 77 head, 514 to 542 lbs., 165.00 to 168.50 (168.24); 9 head, 543 lbs., 160.00 fleshy; 77 head, 552 to 558 lbs., 163.00 to 167.00 (164.26); 25 head, 582 lbs., 155.00 unweaned; 218 head, 600 to 645 lbs., 148.25 to 155.00 (153.79); 11 head, 616 lbs., 143.00 fleshy; 49 head, 606 lbs., 160.00 thin fleshed; 44 head, 603 to 637 lbs., 149.50 to 154.00 (152.10) unweaned; 101 head, 660 to 686 lbs., 146.50 to 152.50 (150.69); 68 head, 677 to 691 lbs., 140.00 to 142.00 (141.48) fleshy; 20 head, 661 lbs., 155.00 thin fleshed; 292 head, 700 to 743 lbs., 139.25 to 146.50 (142.87); 115 head, 706 to 709 lbs., 150.00 to 151.00 (150.64) fancy; 62 head, 731 to 743 lbs., 134.00 to 135.25 (135.07) fleshy; 213 head, 775 to 796 lbs,. 139.00 to 142.25 (141.24); 140 head, 774 lbs., 149.00 fancy; 132 head, 785 to 792 lbs., 145.25 to 146.75 (146.21) thin fleshed; 359 head, 817 to 836 lbs., 138.00 to 142.25 (140.38); 92 head, 815 to 838 lbs., 135.00 fleshy; 56 head, 895 to 899 lbs., 132.25 to 137.75 (137.16); 34 head, 929 lbs., 133.00.

Feeder heifers: Medium and large frame 1, 13 head, 391 lbs., 163.00; 23 head, 413 to 415 lbs., 164.00 to 165.00 (164.52); 15 head 448 lbs., 157.00 unweaned; 50 head, 473 to 484 lbs., 156.50 to 157.50 (156.60); 17 head, 495 lbs., 151.00 unweaned; 14 head, 504 lbs., 152.00; 71 head, 510 lbs., 161.00 thin fleshed; 6 head, 545 lbs., 146.00 unweaned; 97 head, 565 to 583 lbs., 140.25 to 147.25 (144.61); 16 head, 562 to 580 lbs,. 135.50 to 137.50 (136.11) fleshy; 34 head, 553 to 573 lbs., 139.00 to 144.00 (141.02) unweaned; 283 head, 602 to 635 lbs., 135.25 to 142.50 (139.87); 34 head, 624 lbs., 130.25 fleshy; 18 head, 622 lbs., 136.00 unweaned; 173 head, 650 to 696 lbs., 126.25 to 134.25 (130.95); 20 head, 650 lbs., 129.00 fleshy; 142 head, 702 to 739 lbs., 131.00 to 134.00 (132.30); 86 head, 730 lbs., 141.00 fancy; 39 head, 710 lbs., 126.00 fleshy; 124 head, 730 to 740 lbs., 138.75 to 139.00 (138.89) thin fleshed; 92 head, 780 to 793 lbs., 130.50 to 133.00 (132.84); 28 head, 819 lbs., 135.00.

Feeder bulls: Medium and large frame 1, 8 head, 388 lbs., 176.00.