High Plains Journal’s summer tradition, the much-anticipated All Aboard Wheat Harvest, is underway.
AAWH is now a “teenager” as it is now enters its 13th year of giving readers a look at the wheat harvest from Texas to the Dakotas and all the states in between. Today’s custom harvesters use the latest in machinery, from combines, tractor-trailers and grain carts to assist in the efficiency of getting the grain to its destination. Ultimately the final product, a slice of bread, is welcomed by consumers. It starts in the fall with the planting of the crop and ends when the crop is brought in with the hot winds of summer.
This slice of the harvest is appreciated by readers here and around the world. One might ask why there is such an interest in a wheat harvest. Readers, whether in print, on the website at www.allaboardharvest.com or through our social media, have their own sentimental reasons. Our staff has heard many positive comments. That feedback includes that it allows a reader to reminisce about harvest from their own youth to the wonders of modern technology and how a single combine can cut many acres in even a day’s time.
The wheat harvest has changed as equipment and technology have allowed greater efficiencies. Still, the landscape remains priceless. There is a fascination with the blue skies and unforgettable sight lines through Mother’s Nature gift of Plains’ beauty.
The correspondents will be the first to say while it can get monotonous at times—that is precisely when something new and unusual will happen and capture their attention. They look forward to sharing those experiences throughout the All Aboard Wheat Harvest season as well as staples that include the visit to the country elevator and yield reports.
Today’s correspondents include four familiar names—Stephanie (Osowski) Cronje, Laura Haffner, Brian Jones and Janel Schemper. They are all experienced harvesters and storytellers. Plus, the photographs they share are eagerly anticipated.
A fifth correspondent, Christy Paplow, is new to HPJ’s correspondent team. We eagerly await reading about her perspective and sharing those experiences with readers. The perspective of a new correspondent is as golden as the wheat harvested in the summer.
The All Aboard Wheat Harvest would never occur without the support of sponsors and we encourage people to take the time to thank them too.
We also encourage AAWH enthusiasts to regularly visit allaboardharvest.com and to like our Facebook page to watch for giveaways and bonus features. The correspondents will also post live videos from the harvest trail on the AAWH Facebook page. Our continued expansion into social media is a commitment to helping engage readers so they can learn more about how food is produced.
The All Aboard Wheat Harvest is a team effort and that remains the most important, timeless element. We hope you enjoy this year’s coverage and gain an even greater appreciation for agriculture—the heartbeat of America.
Dave Bergmeier can be reached at 620-227-1822 or dbergmeier@hpj.com.