Being nice is a noble gesture for all

I want to challenge all of us to be nicer people. A few decades ago every rancher would help his neighbor work calves and that person would return the favor.

We sometimes come together in a catastrophe but normally we are too busy or too involved with ourselves. It has become a “me” world. I have been going to a Pentecostal church where they are Blacks, whites, Mexicans and others and no dissention at all. There is a large group that wants to divide America. Figure out who those people and organizations are and stay away from them. Some of them are becoming more rich the more they divide America.

A few years ago everyone I knew respected the flag and prayer. Now we have certain people who kneel when they play the national anthem. Maybe they should visit with some that come back after serving in the military that have legs amputated or scars mentally that are hard to heal. We are so lucky to live in America and have the freedoms we have and others so spoiled they want to destroy it all.

The cow killing market was extremely good today selling one cow for $91 per hundredweight and most of our fleshy cows in the low- to mid-$80s.

Don’t give up on a better America and don’t give up on a better cattle market where the packer hopefully some day will have to pay what our cattle are worth instead of what they want to pay.

At Dodge City, Kansas, High Plains Journal hosted Cattle U and Trade Show conference. I thought there was some very useful information there. One young couple told us very helpful ways of putting different things on Facebook and other social media that would catch the eye of a city person such as a little kid feeding a calf or even a dog in the picture then after you got their attention you can tell them about how we handle cattle with care and produce a very safe and great product, which is beef.

Two little boys were at a wedding when one asked the other, “How many wives can a man have?” The other boy said, “16—four better, four worse, four richer and four poorer.”

Another man I told that to said, “If he’s got 16 wives, he will definitely be poorer.”

After I got married, on our second anniversary I sent flowers to my wife. I told the florist to write, “Happy anniversary—Year number 2” on the card. When she got home she was not a happy woman. She said, “I appreciated the flowers but I wasn’t exactly pleased with the card that said—Happy Anniversary. You’re number 2.”

Editor’s note: Jerry Nine, Woodward, Oklahoma, is a lifetime cattleman who grew up on his family’s ranch near Slapout, Oklahoma.