So how about some major kudos for those Canadian truckers? I communicate daily with people in every part of Canada.
As I monitor the situation, I don’t believe that they are even close to achieving what they showed up for and, sadly, I believe it will get worse before it gets better. I can clearly see that they are willing to do what it takes. I hope it continues to inspire not only Canadians but freedom-minded human beings from every country to take a stand for liberty.
Recently our local Republican Party hosted a presentation from Ken Curry, a 30-year employee of the Nebraska Public Power District, about the future of electric generation. Curry is an employee of NPPD and is only carrying the message of the cooperative so this is not intended to “shoot the messenger” but simply revisit a serious issue that needs to come front and center for greater discussion.
My electric supplier is planning on moving people into electric car mode in the near future. Perhaps I should state more accurately that they are in the planning stages of what they apparently believe is a trend toward electric car mandates that cannot be stopped. This question is for the nation, not my power district: Should it not be concerning that our energy policy is about creating greater demand for electricity while, at the same time, we cripple the electric supply?
There is a need to maintain a strong coal supplied electricity generation base. I want to share why the Canadian trucker convoy is directly connected to our energy supply. I have seen the map in presentations three times in the past year but only when I took a closer look did it really sink in. In case you don’t know, all electricity in the U.S. is supplied from three grids. Texas basically has its own supply but even those are still connected to us in the north as we learned in February 2021. Aside from that, the U.S., from the Great Plains to Maine, is one grid, while the area from Colorado to California is on the other one.
But in really looking at the map this week, I see that Canada is also included in two of these grids. It hit me like a ton of bricks that both Ottawa and my home in central Nebraska rely on the same system to provide power. So obviously I got to wondering if Prime Minister Justin Trudeau decides to turn the lights off on the Canadians will it affect me? The answer is that clearly it could.
Why on earth, in this era of hackers who can break into Fort Knox are we still so vulnerable in our nation’s electric supply? Yes, I have had the experts tell me how much time and money we spend putting in firewalls and I don’t doubt that they do but only a fool would have 330 million people relying on electricity from three systems. We have finally recognized the dangers of a central planning system for our supply of food, but what is food production like without electricity?
It is also worth noting that the power companies of the nation are voting in resolutions to be decarbonized by 2050 and eliminate the use of coal. Germany has seen the error of its ways and moved rapidly back into coal mining because their green fantasies were unsustainable. Meanwhile in China, they just brought 12 new coal-fired plants online because they want electricity for their people.
I am all about the fight for freedom. However, when your own “leaders” in the war develop policies that cripple the home team against the visitors, you’ve gotta ask yourself, “How much longer am I going to let the darkness be an excuse?”
Editor’s note: The views expressed here are the author’s own and do not represent the views of High Plains Journal. Trent Loos is a sixth generation United States farmer, host of the daily radio show, Loos Tales, and founder of Faces of Agriculture, a non-profit organization putting the human element back into the production of food. Get more information at, or email Trent at