
Read Psalm 116:1-9

Return, O my soul, to your rest, for the Lord has dealt bountifully with you.—Psalm 116:7 (NRSV)

Two years ago, my life appeared to be in perfect order. My relationship, finances, education, and career all seemed to be succeeding. Around that time, I copied down Psalm 116:7 and hung it in my kitchen. When I looked at that verse, I felt inspired to give thanks. It was easy to give thanks when I didn’t have any major problems, but I also asked God to increase my faith so that I could be grateful even if circumstances changed.

I believe the Holy Spirit inspired those prayers for faithfulness because my apparent success evaporated. I lost my job. My hopes for a relationship fell through, and I found myself grieving and feeling forgotten. Everyone around me seemed to be achieving their dreams while I had taken several giant steps back. But every time I looked at Psalm 116:7 hanging in my kitchen, I recalled God’s faithfulness.

I suspect no one would look at my circumstances today and claim I have it all together. But as I continue to grow in this new season, I can still declare that God is bountiful and faithful because God prepared me for this journey. I am learning to live by faith rather than sight.

Prayer: Dear Lord, help us to love and trust you no matter what happens in our lives. Help us to stay faithful to you, as you are faithful to us. Amen.

Thought for the day: God is faithful no matter what challenges I face.

—Rachael Pittiglio, Michigan