
Read John 14:1-7

Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”—John 14:6 (NIV)

One of the things that has always intrigued me about my wife is her love for road maps. She learned to read them as a girl, became the navigator for her family, and continues to be for ours. Though we often use a GPS now, she still prefers a paper map so she can see the entire course of our journey.

Our lives are like a road trip in many ways. There is a beginning and an end, and how we get between these destinations is important. I don’t want to waste my life by getting lost along the way and potentially wasting the precious time I am allotted on earth.

The words of Jesus in John 14:6 remind me how God loves me enough to provide me with a map for life. Jesus invites me into a relationship. But, more than that, Jesus’ words and teachings show me the way forward. They help me to live a life that is transformed through a relationship with my Creator, who loves me and invites me into eternal life. So I have come to see life as an exciting road trip with Jesus as my guide and strength, helping me day by day.

Prayer: Our Father, thank you for giving us Jesus as the way, the truth, and the life. Walk with us on this journey of life and transform us to live lives of love modeled after Jesus. Amen.

Thought for the day: When I look to Jesus, I have a road map for life.

—Robert Terhune, Oregon