Wild-harvested mushroom certification

Mushroom gatherers who wish to sell wild-harvested mushrooms can attend one of two certification workshops to be held in March and April.

The certification is a requirement for those selling any of eight state-regulated mushrooms in Iowa, and participants will learn how to distinguish those eight from look-alikes that could potentially be poisonous.

People can be poisoned by eating misidentified mushrooms, according to Harbach.

The in-person workshops will be held March 25 and April 15, from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. on the Iowa State University campus, inside room 1302 of the Advanced Teaching and Research Building.

Participants will receive a copy of the Safe Mushroom Foraging guide, an 80-page field guide published by Iowa State University Extension and Outreach, that contains important information about mushrooms found throughout Iowa.

Registration is $60 and can be done at bit.ly/3vQzzlC. For more information, contact Chelsea Harbach at pidc@iastate.edu.