
Read 1 Samuel 30:1-6

David strengthened himself in the Lord his God.—1 Samuel 30:6 (NRSV)

In January 2020, our city faced the biggest flood in its history. A newly renovated church in the community had just invested in quality equipment and furniture, but floodwaters hit the facilities and caused many material losses. I had been a pastor in the community for 12 years, and my heart ached when I witnessed the chaotic aftermath.

In moments like this, we become plagued by frustration, anguish, and discouragement. But the word of God meets us in adversity and strengthens us. In 1 Samuel 30, we read about David’s intense reaction to Ziklag’s destruction. He wept and grieved but did not allow his anguish to overwhelm him. David’s faith in God revived his strength. He sought God’s guidance and in due course retrieved everything that had been taken. This testimony inspired me and the members of the church, reviving our strength so we could move forward and start over.

We all live through difficult moments, and in such times dejection often tries to settle in our hearts. But like David, we can revive our strength in God. Let us always pray and carry on, for in God’s timing we will surely find renewal.

Prayer: Dear Lord, in the face of adversity, we place our hope in you. Revive us in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Thought for the day: I will face adversity with faith and perseverance, trusting that God will help me through.

—Marcio Abreu de Freitas, Brazil