I contend few truly understand what an mRNA vaccine is. I now believe the risk of an mRNA vaccine is not any greater than that of a modified live vaccine. The way a vaccine has always been made is the virus is identified, isolated and transported to a laboratory to be cultured and then a “vaccine” is created so that a modified live version of the virus is injected into the animal.
Theoretically the animal’s immune system then develops antibodies to protect the animal from that virus. The “killed” version is acquired the same way but it uses a dead virus instead of the live variety.
The mRNA vaccine is developed in the same way but instead of transporting the virus itself, the virus is genomically sequenced, and the genome code is used to build the vaccine instead of using the live virus. I don’t believe there is an elevated risk in the mRNA vaccine or the modified live vaccine, but it is still dependent on what else is put in the vaccine compound. It is clear to me that the mRNA shot, contains added components that could make it dangerous, not the fact that it was derived from the sequencing.
It is not a modified or altered genetic code that I am talking about. I am simply saying the drug companies have identified the genomic sequence that allows for altering of the DNA or RNA after the fact. So why all the hype about the mRNA vaccine that is going to be developed for livestock?
Would you be surprised to learn that mRNA derived vaccines have been in the marketplace in the swine business for nearly 10 years already? Dr. Hank Harris and his son Joel Harris, co-founders of Genvax Technologies, have been the pioneers in this business. I must say there have been zero reports of harmful effects on the pork that is raised using these vaccines.
So again, why the hype? The last holdouts who refused COVID-19 shots are now being told their milk, meat and eggs are coming from animals that are going to be given an mRNA vaccine. What do you think that is going to do to the confidence of the meat eaters in the safety of beef, pork, chicken and turkey? It is clear to me, there are people who have clearly stated they want to move folks away from animal products and are using their rhetoric to do so. My assessment is that it is nothing more than a mind game to create fear and deter people from eating foods that could cure diabetes, especially animal proteins and fats.
Let me close with what I think is the most important discussion that needs to be ramped up. Are vaccines the best approach in protecting the health of food animals? I believe, just as we have learned with human health, that building the immune system with diet and lifestyle is a much better protective measure than vaccinating. In fact, we have not vaccinated any pigs on the place since Oct. 8, 2021, and I can honestly say the health of the herd has improved. I also believe that selecting the heathiest animals from generation to generation will make that even better. I believe it is time to eliminate the crutch of vaccines and rely on a good old-fashioned, God-given immune system to create healthy animals and healthy food.
Editor’s note: The views expressed here are the author’s own and do not represent the views of High Plains Journal. Trent Loos is a sixth generation United States farmer, host of the daily radio show, Loos Tales, and founder of Faces of Agriculture, a non-profit organization putting the human element back into the production of food. Get more information at www.LoosTales.com, or email Trent at trentloos@gmail.com.