EPA further limits dicamba usage

Recently, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency approved a registration amendment that further limits the use of over-the-top dicamba in Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, and South Dakota.

The registration amendment prohibits the use of over-the-top dicamba application on dicamba-tolerant crops after June 12 in Iowa, Illinois and Indiana and after June 20 in South Dakota. For Iowa, Illinois, and Indiana, applications are prohibited after the revised cutoff date or when the soybean crop reaches the V4 stage, whichever comes first. South Dakota is not subject to the V4 restriction. These changes will take effect immediately for the 2023 growing season.

Daryl Cates, American Soybean Association president and soybean farmer from Illinois, said of the registration amendment, “EPA imposing additional restrictions on dicamba use in several states is disappointing. The dicamba registration first issued October 2020 contained several unscientific restrictions that tied growers’ hands. These changes likewise are unsupported by data and sound science and will lead to more red tape for farmers.”

Product registrants must now add the amended restrictions to their training and educational materials and disseminate this information to pesticide authorities and agricultural extension services to assist users in their local areas.

These and other requirements are outlined in the terms and conditions of the amended registration.