Many cow-calf producers are short on hay and hoping for an early spring. This in person seminar will discuss some options for getting lactating cows fed until pasture is ready. With the drought of 2022, many pastures ended up being quite heavily grazed. There is always some uncertainty as to what the 2023 spring and summer weather will be like. This seminar will discuss this summer’s pasture management, nutrition, reproduction management and animal wellbeing due to limited feed resources.
Recent weather maps show a continuation of the drought but some improvement this year. What options and plans do you have if we have another dry year? This program will help you plan and give options for this summer’s grazing season.
Speakers for the seminar are Jerry Volesky, UNL range and forage specialist; Karla Wilke, beef Extension nutrition specialist; Rick Funston, UNL beef reproduction specialist; and Ruth Woiwode, UNL beef animal behavior Extension specialist.
Register by email [email protected] or call the Lincoln Logan McPherson Extension Office at 308-532-2683. The seminar will be held at the West Central Research Extension & Education Center Auditorium located at 402 W State Farm Road North Platte. The program will be held April 3 from 2 to 5 p.m. The program is sponsored by Farm Credit Services of America and Nebraska Extension.