
Bible - Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash.

Read Exodus 4:1-17

The Lord said to him, “Wha’t that in your hand?” Moses replied, “A shepherd’s rod.”—Exodus 4:2 (CEB)

Moses felt unequipped for the task God placed in front of him. However, in God’s eyes, Moses had what he needed—a rod. With that rod. Moses performed miracles in Egypt and used it to part the Red Sea, allowing the Israelites to pass through.

That same rod brought Joshua victory in battle. And it made water gush from a rock. What Moses overloked, God used to shape the course of history.

Today, God is asking the same question of us: “What is in your hand?” It could be a pen, cooking utensil, computer, ball, phone, certificate, diploma, or small plot of land. We should not dismiss what we have, no matter how small and unworthy it may seem. God is ready to use it to fulfill God’s purpose in our lives.

God created us that we may serve. We read in scripture that there is much harvest on God’s farm, but harvesters are few; so God is calling on us. Let us embrace the tools God has given us so that we may be ready and willing to serve. God will transform that which we see as “just a rod” into something great for God’s glory.

Prayer: God of possibilities, thank you for the gifts you have given us. Teach us to see the value in what we have and to use it to serve you. Amen.

Thought for the day: God can use the gifts I undervalue to serve others.

Mary Charles, Nairobi City, Kenya