Wyoming High Altitude Bull Test registration open

Pictured from left to right: Nick Wade, Tyler Anderson and Crue Chivers move a group of Angus bulls at Laramie Research and Extension Center during the inaugural University of Wyoming High Altitude Bull Test. (Photo by Ben Hollinger.)

For producers interested in evaluating how their bulls perform at high elevation, the University of Wyoming is offering its second annual High Altitude Bull Test and Sale. 

The program provides data on individual bull performance and offers a venue for producers to market and sell bulls that have undergone pulmonary arterial pressure testing. It also offers an opportunity for students to gain real-world experience in bull development, management and marketing. 

Testing is conducted at the Laramie Research and Extension Center, located approximately 7,200 feet above sea level. The 2023-2024 test and sale include divisions for both yearlings and two-year-old bulls. 

Consignors and producers will receive PAP test and breeding soundness exam results, ultrasound ribeye area and fat thickness measurements, and data on individual feed intake. They will also have access to feed efficiency metrics, including feed to gain, residual feed intake and average daily gain. 

Registration for the test closes Oct. 20. Entry forms and the consignors’ handbook can be found at bit.ly/UWBull_Test_Info_2023. Entry forms can be completed online or printed and mailed. 

Bulls must be delivered to the Laramie Research and Extension Center by Nov. 1. Before the test, they will undergo a 45-day screening period to assess their risk for pulmonary hypertension. Testing concludes Feb. 14. 

“We are looking forward to building on the success of last year’s test through the addition of a 70-day feed efficiency test, additional age categories and transitioning to a live sale,” says Shelby Rosasco, UW Extension beef specialist and co-organizer of the program. “We are also really excited about continuing to offer students hands-on experience in bull development and marketing.” 

This year, Rosasco and her colleagues have expanded the program to include courses in both the fall and spring semesters. Students enrolled in the fall class are currently building knowledge and skills related to bull growth, nutrition, reproduction and genetics. 

During the test, students will be responsible for bull management and data collection under the guidance of UW faculty and staff. They will also help plan the sale and develop marketing materials for each consigned bull. 

The 2023-2024 High Altitude Bull Test and Sale will conclude with a field day and live sale March 9, at LREC. The event is free and open to the public. For those interested in buying bulls, online and phone bidding will be available. 

For more information on the test and sale, contact Rosasco at srosasco@uwyo.edu or 307-766-2329.