High Plains Journal’s Alfalfa U event is set for Feb. 27 in Dodge City, Kansas, at the Boot Hill Casino & Resort Conference Center. The event is sponsored by E-Forage, Forage Genetics International and HPJ
Alfalfa U provides a diverse line-up of alfalfa educational sessions, an engaging alfalfa industry panel discussion, a complimentary lunch and plenty of networking opportunities for growers.
Breakout speakers for the event include: Kelly Seuhs, associate Extension specialist at Oklahoma State University’s department of entomology and plant pathology, who will speak on alfalfa pest management and strategies for insect control; Romulo Lollato, associate professor and forage Extension specialist at Kansas State University, who will present on management practices for high-yielding alfalfa; Dwight Scholl, manager at Tri Rotor Crop Services in Lakin, Kansas, with a presentation on alfalfa challenges and preventing future issues; and Jessica Williamson, marketing manager at Massey Ferguson North America, who will give a breakout session on optimizing forage quality during harvest.
Dan Putnam, professor emeritus at the University of California, Davis, will attend the event and give two breakout sessions. One session will be focused on water use and deficit irrigation and the other on technology and alfalfa’s future in a changing climate. During the lunch hour, attendees will also hear a hay report and year in review from Kim Nettleton, Kansas Department of Agriculture hay market reporter/statistician. The event will close with a keynote address from Jeff Hutton, meteorologist and owner, Hutton Weather Futures, LLC, who will present a Plains weather review and seasonal outlook for the attendees.
Certified Crop Adviser CEU credits will be available at the event. Alfalfa U is a free event, but attendees are encouraged to pre-register by Feb. 12 to ensure a complimentary lunch. Hotel room reservations can be made at the Hampton Inn & Suites in Dodge City by calling the property and asking for the Alfalfa U room block. The room block is open until Feb. 8. To learn more about the Alfalfa U speakers and schedule or to pre-register, visit hpj.com/alfalfau/. Questions can be directed to Kylie Reiss at kreiss@hpj.com. To learn more about sponsorship opportunities, contact Jason Koenig at jkoenig@hpj.com.
Lacey Vilhauer can be reached at 620-227-1871 or lvilhauer@hpj.com.