Alfalfa U showcases important topics, people during events

2024 Alfalfa U

Topics ranging from production methods, pest control, weeds and much more have filled nearly two dozen Alfalfa U events since its inception. Events have been held across the High Plains and into Idaho, Washington and Utah.

Long time partner Alforex, has been involved since the get-go. Ron Miller, Alforex Seeds regional manager, said the company has always wanted to help provide alfalfa growers in the High Plains a place to learn—an event strictly for alfalfa.

“The Alfalfa U program has been a great venue for that,” he said. “We have had some of the premier speakers in the industry sharing their knowledge and experiences with producers in several states throughout the country. Giving back to the producers in the area has been very rewarding for both the producer and the industry that supplies those producers.”

Education, networking

Miller believes it’s important to have avenues for education and networking like Alfalfa U provides. He particularly likes the producer panel segment.

“The producers who attend the program have benefitted from the vast array of topics and information from speakers in the industry and from fellow producers not only from their area but from around the country with the producer panel,” Miller said. “The sharing of experiences with other producers gives first-hand information about all phases of alfalfa production and marketing.”

Beneficial opportunities

According to Miller, the networking opportunities with other growers outside their area has been beneficial to everyone who has attended. And the same goes for their partnership with the High Plains Journal and Alfalfa U.

“The Alfalfa U program has given me an opportunity to give back to our producers by sharing new and innovative ideas and techniques to improve production on the farms they manage,” Miller said. “It has also been a symbiotic venue for us to gather information about the needs of the producer so we can better provide better products and educational opportunities for their farm.”

For more information about Alfalfa U visit