We missed the rain the other day we desperately needed particularly in all that burned area. And sadly the weather app says no rain is in sight but I do know apps do not control the rain— God does—so pray for rain over all that area that burned.
After the sale today a rancher gladly told me the El Nino has changed and it is supposed to turn dry.
He said that is starting in May and another said this fall. I don’t like to think negative so I’m just hoping and praying that doesn’t happen.
Recently a lady called me from Mobetie, Texas. She has a lot of cattle and very nice ones at that. She called to ask me how I survived with the fires. I told her I was very fortunate with one pasture only half burned and the cows were on the side where it didn’t burn or else the hired help honked them over there.
Most of my neighbors weren’t that lucky with most losing 30 to 50 head. I know some ranchers in the Texas panhandle lost a lot more. I asked her how she got along. She said she was very fortunate. As the fire was getting close, she said she told God, “Here is my house and land. It is in your hands so if it is supposed to burn it is up to you.”
She said it burned right up to the house and quit burning. She also felt very fortunate as she has two boys who are in their 40s and both are volunteer firefighters and both were safe. She said during these fires she left her house and went to where the firefighters were and cooked for them. She is a nice lady.
I walked into the bank and employees asked, “Do you have any words of wisdom?” I said, “No but I’m sure I have a lot of words.” Unfortunately they all agreed.
A friend of mine lost his cow dog. He was definitely not the type to cuss but he did come close as he said, “doggone.”
It seems like most cowboys are also gamblers because it seems like they are always raising the steaks.
A friend of mine who is a cowboy and is also very bow legged lost his job. They said he couldn’t keep his calves together.
Editor’s note: The views expressed here are the author’s own and do not represent the view of High Plains Journal. Jerry Nine, Woodward, Oklahoma, is a lifetime cattleman who grew up on his family’s ranch near Slapout, Oklahoma.