Oklahoma State FFA convention held, results announced

Once again, Oklahoma FFA member from across the state have gathered in Tulsa, Oklahoma, at the BOK Center for the 98th State FFA Convention. The convention was held May 6 to 8 with thousands of FFA members in attendance. Over the three-day event, award winners were announced, honors were presented and a new state FFA office team was elected.

The state FFA star awards were also announced. They are the highest awards that can be achieved by an FFA member at the state level. Korbin Smith of the Hydro-Eakly FFA Chapter earned the title of 2024 Oklahoma FFA State Star in Agricultural Placement. Ross Turner, of the Oologah FFA Chapter, received 2024 Oklahoma FFA State Star in Agribusiness. Reagan Smith, also of Oologah FFA, was announced as the 2024 Oklahoma FFA State Star in Agriscience. Finally, Connor Mack of the Drummond FFA chapter, was awarded 2024 Oklahoma FFA State Star Farmer.

2024-2025 Oklahoma FFA Officer Team

The new state officer team was also announced. The incoming 2024-2025 Oklahoma State FFA President is Kayla Poling, of the Silo FFA Chapter. Poling previously served as the 2023-24 southeast area vice-president and attends Oklahoma State University. She is the first female Oklahoma state FFA president since Courtney Maye from the 2011-2012 officer team.

Additionally, Cooper Kline from North Rock Creek FFA was elected state FFA secretary; Aubrie McEndoo of Stillwater FFA was elected state FFA reporter; Titus Montgomery of Red Oak FFA, is the new southeast area vice-president; Casyn Larman of Mulhall-Orlando FFA, was elected the northwest area vice-president; Grace Wright, of Stratford FFA was elected as the central area vice-president; Anna Jo Helling of Inola FFA is the northeast area vice-president and Caleb Ames of Duke FFA, is the southwest area vice-president.

For more information on the Oklahoma FFA Association and additional results from the convention, visit www.okffa.org.

Lacey Vilhauer can be reached at 620-227-1892 or lvilhauer@hpj.com.