Hymas to keynote TCFA convention

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Author and speaker Chad Hymas will talk about how to deal with change and challenges as part of this year’s Texas Cattle Feeders Association annual convention, Oct. 13 to 15 in San Antonio.

On April 3, 2001, Hymas’ life changed instantaneously when a falling 1-ton bale of hay broke his neck, leaving him a quadriplegic.

Doctors said he would never walk again, and for the rest of his life he would be confined to a wheelchair. But Hymas’ dreams were not paralyzed that day. He is now a world-class wheelchair athlete, playing basketball and full contact quad rugby, and he races marathons.

He counts his greatest accomplishment as that he remains a devoted husband to his wife and to his children as a father. His message is “Who Needs Legs When You Have Wings?”

The event will take place at the San Antonio Grand Hyatt River Walk Hotel. Registration and hotel reservations can be made by visiting https://www.tcfa.org/tcfa-convention.html.