Dacthal herbicide recall continues in Colorado

Tractor spray fertilizer on green field. (Photo: iStock - moiseXVII)

Recall of the herbicide known as Dacthal, also known as Dimethyl tetrachloroterephthalate, a pesticide registered to control weeds in both agricultural and non-agricultural settings, continues.

The Environmental Protection Agency issued an emergency order on Aug. 6, immediately prohibiting any application, sale, distribution or transportation of Dacthal products except for the express purpose of returning it to the retailer it was purchased from. The recall includes both products that have been opened and products that have been unopened. People with questions should contact their retailer or AMVAC Customer Service Team at 888-462-6822.

The pesticide products subject to the order include: Dacthal Flowable Herbicide, EPA Reg. No. 5481-487, Registrant: AMVAC; Dacthal W-75 Herbicide, EPA Reg. No. WI050002, Registrant: AMVAC; and Technical Chlorthal Dimethyl, EPA Reg. No. 5481-495, Registrant: AMVAC.