Scheduling is not always so easy

"Just A Scoopful" - Jerry Nine

One man at breakfast this morning asked another man who was about 70 years old what he was doing today. He said, “Well I thought we were going to New Mexico today but I was informed last night that we are going to Tulsa instead.”

Another said, “I guess your schedule got changed.” Then one man said, “Don’t you have a schedule?” He said, “Yes I do, but mine is a walking, talking schedule.” Then they said to me, “That’s what you need to get is a walking, talking schedule.”

Wow do those guys come up with some silly ideas.

There have been two instances this past week where fentanyl was found or a substance close to that and both incidents were within 100 miles from me in a rural small town. The first instance was a young girl who found some money and it appeared to be two $100 bills. She picked it up and took it to her mother. Her mother told her to immediately to wash her hands. They went to the hospital and it was laced with fentanyl. The money was fake and she was lucky to not test positive.

The second incident was a woman who had stopped to use the bathroom. As she came out she walked to her car naturally grabbed the door handle and started to drive down the road. Immediately her hands and arms started tingling. Authorities tested and it was opioids, which they found had been put on the car door handle. I am a carefree non-worrying person but let’s face it, the world we knew five years ago is not the same world we live in now and surprisingly even in rural America.

I think the open border of letting 11 to 15 million people come in where there is no way the government can check out that many even if it wanted to. I personally think this open border will go down in history of being the biggest mistake America has ever made.

This is not a Republican or Democrat issue it is an American issue. Whatever their intent was on those those two incidents—whether robbery or kidnapping—it wasn’t good. I ask each of you to pray everyday until the election that God puts the right person in as president of the United States. And then I ask everyone of you to vote.

A friend said to me, “Now I know why they call me a grown up. It is because I groan every time I get up.”

A doctor said to me, “Your condition could be hereditary.” He said, “Does stupidity run in your family?” I had to say,  Yes.”

Editor’s note: The views expressed here are the author’s own and do not represent the view of High Plains Journal. Jerry Nine, Woodward, Oklahoma, is a lifetime cattleman who grew up on his family’s ranch near Slapout, Oklahoma.