Exodus 3:1-12
Moses said to God, “Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the Israelites out of Egypt?” —Exodus 3:11 (NRSVUE)
Moses is one of the most important figures in history. However, he spent most of his life in anonymity. After living the early part of his life among the Egyptian aristocracy, he became a shepherd and was quite old when God called him to a great mission.
God spoke to Moses through a magnificent revelation of power: a bush that burned with fire and was not consumed. However, Moses responded to God’s call with a question: “Who am I that I should go?” Moses’ question makes sense. After all, he was a murderer and a fugitive (see Ex. 2:11-15). When Moses made excuses based on his incapacity, God refuted them saying, “I will be with you.”
Many times in my life I have had to face circumstances that seemed beyond my capabilities. Better candidates always came to mind—people who could fulfill a divine mission more excellently. But the heavenly answer is always the same: “I will be with you.” Then I understand: it is not about who I am but about the Holy One who calls me.
Prayer: Dear God, thank you for being with us. Help us to trust you when you call us to do something we feel unprepared for. Amen.
Thought for the day: When I feel unqualified, I will remember God’s power.
Roberto Fernández-Acosta (Flanders, Belgium)