Spreading the love during FFA week 

Last night as I was scrolling on TikTok before bed, I ran across a video of a gal asking if FFA was still a thing. Knee jerk reaction was to roll my eyes and swipe up. But I waited and let her explain.  

She had been in FFA as a high schooler, and knew about the name change, but apparently hadn’t kept up with FFA once she was out of high school. She didn’t elaborate as to why she thought it wasn’t a thing. Maybe I should go back and read the comments and see what everyone else thought. Kind of crazy it came on my feed during FFA week, which runs from Feb. 15 to 22. 

A quick internet search gave me all the details about FFA. According to the FFA website, the Future Farmers of America was established Nov. 20, 1928, in Kansas City, Missouri. The first national convention was held in KC with 33 delegates from 18 states. Leslie Applegate from New Jersey was elected the first national FFA president. The official colors were picked in 1929, and the first Star Farmer was picked, and a National Chapter contest was launched. 

By 2022, FFA student membership has hit an all-time high with more than 850,000 members in nearly 9,000 chapters across the United States. The 15,000th jacket was gifted through the Give the Gift of Blue program. FFA members earned a record 4,305 American FFA Degrees. By 2025, there’s more than a million FFA members. 

My two years in FFA was pretty lack luster, with my only notable accomplishments being a part of the Southwest District dairy judging champion team, several livestock judging competition wins, and competing at the state judging contest. I was a chapter officer but wasn’t nearly as involved as some of my counterparts.  

My Dad told many stories of his FFA endeavors and spoke of it very fondly. He told us about how the Dodge City FFA once upon a time raised chickens and served fried chicken at their chapter banquet. He went to the state convention and was active with his chapter and encouraged us to get involved. 

I too encouraged my nieces and nephew to get involved in their local FFA chapter in Hays, Kansas. They’ve won about everything you can win from judging and other contests. My oldest niece, Karli Neher, was a state officer and was able to travel abroad. Her sisters Ella and Esther are well on their way to following in her footsteps. More than once I have applauded the Neher kids for their FFA accomplishments. 

I’ve cheered on many FFA students through the years too, writing about their achievements and journeys in the pages of the Journal. In 2011, I interviewed Riley Pagett, who served as a National FFA president in 2010-11. He’s even led the national organization. Most recently he’s been in Washington, DC strategizing and helping implement policy and currently works as U.S. Representative Tracy Mann’s deputy chief of staff.  

Another story in 2017 showcased efforts Colorado FFA chapters were doing to improve their funding situations. Three chapters—Manzanola FFA, Sedgwick County FFA, and Holly FFA—received $2,500 awards from the Colorado Corn Administrative Committee. The grants helped advisors and students with projects ranging from getting a new chapter off the ground, automating greenhouse irrigation to building livestock facilities. 

A 2022 story showcased several FFA chapters in southwest Kansas getting new life. From new chapters like the one at Deerfield to re-invigorating Ingalls FFA with a breath of fresh air from students and teachers alike. 

Last year for my cover story during FFA week, I featured my niece Karli. She told me about homeschooling and attending Hays High, as well as her Australian tour experience and what it meant to be part of the officer team for Kansas. 

“You have to be very vulnerable with yourself and those around you to do that because the growth that you have to experience in order to run is pretty incredible,” Neher said. 

Even though we were talking about her state officer experience, I believe taking on any new task requires a person to dig deep inside themselves. You have to be strong and resilient to be successful. You have to put yourself out there in order to get where you want to be. I’m pretty sure many of these FFA members have done just that. 

Kylene Scott can be reached at 620-227-1804 or kscott@hpj.com