I had several cattlemen tell me several days ago that we are not done going higher with the cattle market.

I’m not sure if they were judging by the numbers. Often, I have been where cattlemen build their faith on what they hear others say. That not only happens when cattle prices go up, but it also happens when prices go down.
Whatever the case these cattlemen were right this time—so far anyway. I hear some say we will go to $220 on fat cattle and $300 on feeders or get close. Do not take that information like it will definitely happen because there are lots of factors out there right now. And if they were that smart they should have been buying August fat cattle futures because it wasn’t more than 10 days ago they were at $190 per hundredweight.
Most all feeders going into the feedlot had a breakeven of $200 per hundredweight. With a tariff war going on between the United States and other countries and lots of wars across the world who knows. I hope we have established new beef level prices and when it falls it doesn’t fall to an extreme low level.
The preacher Sunday said when his kids were teenagers and running around with their friends and also when they left on a date he reminded them as they left the house to remember you are only a few seconds away from making a decision that can alter or change their life completely.
I thought that was great advice. He said often pride comes before a fall. Satan cannot stop a movement of God, but he can give it a negative label to turn people against it.
I read two signs posted beside each other. The first sign read “You Matter” with the word Matter below. The next sign said, “Don’t Give Up” with the words Give Up below. So you could easily read that as one sign that said, “You don’t matter give up.”
A friend of mine is a policeman in Oklahoma City. He radioed to dispatch and said there is a suspect that is dancing naked through the streets here in Bricktown. The dispatcher radioed back and said, “Copy That.” He responded, “I’ll try but I’m not that much of a dancer.”
A husband came home from work and asked his wife—”Why isn’t the house clean if you are here home all day?” The wife replied, “Why aren’t we rich if you work all day?”
Editor’s note: The views expressed here are the author’s own and do not represent the view of High Plains Journal. Jerry Nine, Woodward, Oklahoma, is a lifetime cattleman who grew up on his family’s ranch near Slapout, Oklahoma.