Nebraska Soybean Management Field Days set for Aug. 10-13

The 2021 Soybean Management Field Days is scheduled for Aug. 10 to 13 and will offer producers research-based information to improve their soybean profitability. The field days will address issues important to farmers in our state and on an international level. Attendees will learn about the various Nebraska Soybean Board checkoff dollar research, marketing and education efforts.

The field days begin with 9 a.m. registration and conclude at 2:30 p.m. Free registration is available the day of the event.

Dates and locations are as follows:

  • Aug. 10 — Jerome Fritz Farm — Wilcox, Nebraska
  • Aug. 11 — Kevin Dinslage Farm — Elgin, Nebraska
  • Aug. 12 — Bart & Geoff Ruth Farm — Rising City, Nebraska
  • Aug. 13 — Mike Fuchs Farm — Arlington, Nebraska

The event consists of four stops across the state, each with replicated research, demonstration plots, lunch and time for questions. Producers can obtain ideas and gain insight.

University specialists, educators and industry consultants will cover:

  • Grain Marketing & Cropland Cash Rental Rates in 2021
  • Strategies for Soybean Gall Midge and Insect/Disease Management in Cover Crops
  • Discussing Interseeding Cover Crops in Soybean: Evaluating Soybean Variety, Cover Crop Planting, Herbicide Placement and Weed Management
  • Soybean Production and Cover Crops — Water Use, Planting Rates, Row Spacing, Planting Dates, Maturity Groups, and Irrigation Management

“We look forward to returning to an in-person Soybean Management Field Days after having a virtual event last year. It is an excellent opportunity for producers to hear about the research-based information presented and to incorporate that knowledge into their practice,” said Scott Ritzman, Nebraska Soybean Board executive director.  

Agronomists, plant disease experts and insect specialists will be available to address questions. Participants can bring unknown crop problems for complimentary identification.

According to Nebraska Extension Educator, Aaron Nygren, “This is an excellent opportunity to interact and engage with University of Nebraska specialists. Growers can learn about the replicated research conducted and also share their own experiences with soybean production practices that are important to their operations.”

For more information about the field days and maps to sites, visit the Soybean Management Field Days site or contact the Nebraska Soybean Board at 402-441-3240 or Nebraska Extension at 402-624-8030.