It is corn silage time—are you ready?

The Iowa State University Extension and Outreach dairy team monthly webinar series continues from noon to 1 p.m., Aug. 18, with the focus on corn silage.

The webinar will be led by Luiz Ferraretto. He will discuss how to use corn silage to put more milk in the bulk tank and ultimately, more money in dairy producers’ pockets.

Ferraretto is originally from Brazil, was an assistant professor of livestock nutrition at the University of Florida from 2016 to 2020 and joined the University of Wisconsin-Madison in May 2020. His research and Extension interests are applied ruminant nutrition and management. Ferraretto’s program is focused on understanding and improving starch and fiber utilization by dairy cows, corn silage and high-moisture corn quality and digestibility.

Producers, dairy consultants, and industry reps are encouraged to attend the free live webinar at Registration is not necessary. The webinar will be archived for later viewing at