Snow cover remains widespread, delaying spring crop planting

Lingering cooler than normal temperatures and additional snowfall across much of the state resulted in another week with 0.0 days suitable for fieldwork during the week ending April 15, according to USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service, Upper Midwest Regional Field Office, Minnesota. Snow cover remains widespread with most areas reporting frost still in the ground and soil temperatures below normal for this time of the year.

Topsoil moisture supplies were rated 0 percent very short, 1 percent short, 55 percent adequate, and 44 percent surplus. Subsoil moisture supplies were rated 0 percent very short, 3 percent short, 74 percent adequate, and 23 percent surplus.

Snow cover and cool temperatures have delayed planting of spring crops. Oats planted were reported as 0 percent complete, 16 percentage points behind last year, and 17 points behind the 5 year average. Potatoes planted were reported as 0 percent complete, 14 percentage points behind last year, and 7 points behind the 5 year average. Spring wheat planted was reported as 0 percent complete, 8 percentage points behind last year, and 13 points behind the 5 year average. Sugarbeets planted were reported as 0 percent complete, 16 percentage points behind last year, and 18 points behind the 5 year average.