Troy Bancroft honored by National FFA Organization

Troy Bancroft, AgroLiquid co-founder and board president, was honored by the National FFA Organization with the Honorary American FFA Degree.
He is pictured with his wife, Jill, and son, Gerrit, AgroLiquid operations director.
The Honorary American Degree is given to those who advance agricultural education and FFA through outstanding personal commitment. It’s an opportunity to recognize those who have gone beyond valuable daily contributions to make an extraordinary long-term difference in the lives of students, inspiring confidence in a new generation of agriculturalists.
“I am truly honored by this recognition,” Troy Bancroft said. “Seeing all the members put in the hard work and time to learn about the industry and grow their knowledge within agriculture really recharges my own ambition for it.”
Bancroft believes that lifelong learning is the confidence that having a positive, possibly life-changing, impact on upcoming generations will preserve an environment for the future.