Cattle Chat

Beef, Livestock

Selecting bulls to meet marketing goals

Kansas State University beef cattle geneticist explains how marketing endpoints influence purchasing decisions. Read More

Mother’s instincts need to take over and protect calves, especially in frigid temperatures like the ones the High Plains saw during the Siberian Express. (Journal photo by Lacey Newlin.)

Preparing for calving season

  • By Lisa Moser │ Kansas State University Research & Extension
Cattle grazing crop stubble. (Photo: K-State Research and Extension)

Grazing crop stubble can extend feed resources

Broken corn kernels for animal feed. (Photo: iStock │ #1276715486 - gabrielabertolini)

Feeding cracked versus whole corn

  • By Lisa Moser │ K-State Research and Extension news service
As cows age, their metabolism can change, K-State beef cattle nutritionist Phillip Lancaster said. (Photo: K‑State Research and Extension)

Special needs for old cows

Angus cattle gather in a field. (Photo: K-State Research and Extension news service)

Preparing for winter

A steer being cared for at home to finish weight. (Photo: K-State Research and Extension)

Dietary plan for steers

Isolating cattle that join the herd for the first 30 days is an important part of a biosecurity plan, K-State veterinarian Bob Larson said. (Photo: K-State Research and Extension news service)

Establishing a biosecurity plan

  • By Lisa Moser │ Kansas State University Research and Extension
Feeding time with cows (PHOTO: courtesy of Kansas State University Research & Extension)

Strategy for increasing feed efficiency for cows