Cattle Chat

Beef, Livestock

Dietary plan for steers

K-State Beef Cattle Institute nutritionist Phillip Lancaster advises on how to take an 850-pound steer to market weight. Read More

Hay bales (Journal photo by Lacey Newlin)

The risks of offering wrapped hay bales to cattle

  • By Lisa Moser │ Kansas State University Research and Extension
A calf receiving vaccinations (Photo: K-State Research and Extension)

Vaccination limits

  • By Lisa Moser │ Kansas State University Research and Extension
(Photo: K-State Research and Extension news service)

Bull management in the fall

  • By Lisa Moser │ Kansas State University Research and Extension
Protein supplements can be offered to cows out on fall pasture. (Photo: K-State Research and Extension)

Short-term supplementation strategy

  • By Lisa Moser │ Kansas State University Research and Extension
Newly weaned calves can experience stress that makes them more susceptible to disease say K-State veterinarians. (Photo courtesy of Kansas State University Extension)

Stress and parasite connection

  • By Lisa Moser │ Kansas State University Research and Extension
Cows and their fall-born calves out on pasture (Photo: K-State Research and Extension)

Fall calving considerations

Loading calves gently can help to minimize the amount of stress that calves experience, said K-State veterinarians. (Photo: K-State Research and Extension)

Preparing calves for the auction

The decision to sell cows from the herd is often influenced by a variety of factors, including her performance, the quality of her offspring, cattle prices and marketing opportunities. (Photo: Kansas State University Research and Extension)

How offspring performance influences culling decision