Pictured, left to right: Gavin Romshek, Jordan McVey, Hannah Missler, Ashlyn Christmann, Adison George, Ryann Kloepping and Blake Schilling. (Photo courtesy of Garden City Community College.)
MU Extension feral hog outreach educator Kevin Crider points out where feral hogs have damaged trees. Hogs rub their bristly bodies on trees after wallowing in waterways. (Photo by Linda Geist.)

Project helps reduce Missouri feral hog population by 65%

Pumpkins come in many different colors in addition to orange, and they are found in a variety of shapes and sizes. (Photo courtesy of National Garden Bureau Inc.)

Keeping your pumpkins longer

  • By Kelsey Hatesohl │ Kansas State University Research and Extension
(Courtesy photo.)

Effects of government shutdown would ripple through agriculture to consumers

(Photo by Todd Johnson, OSU Agriculture.)
The Perez Family. (Photo courtesy of New Mexico Cattle Growers Association.)

Perez family receives Ranch Family of the Year award

(Photo courtesy of Kansas State University Research and Extension.)
(Journal photo by Lacey Vilhauer.)