Fall weaning is the time when some producers make keep or cull decisions for the herd. (Photo courtesy of Kansas State University Research and Extension.)

Cattle Chat: Deciding to keep or sell heifers 

Whether it be by phone, email or suspicious website, consumers face various risks from scammers. (Photo courtesy of Kansas State University Research and Extension.)

Don’t get scammed!

(Photo courtesy of Kansas State University Research and Extension.)

Cattle Chat: Options for feeding hay to newly weaned calves 

(Photo courtesy of Kansas State University Research and Extension.)
Being engaged in a community is part of civic health, which contributes to personal health, says Kansas State University's Elaine Johannes. (Photo courtesy of K-State Research and Extension.)
Photo courtesy of U.S. Wheat Associates.
Puppy drinking water

Keep pets cool, hydrated

  • By Greg Aldrich │ Kansas State Research & Extension