water quality

Dana Allen-Tully and Brad Carlson stand in a tall buffer strip of plantings on her property that protects a stream from nutrient runoff. (Photo: University of Minnesota Extension)

Getting smart about water quality on the farm

Grazing cattle in Kansas (Courtesy photo.)
Dave Bergmeier
Nozzle of the tractor sprinklers sprayed. Soybean spraying. (Photo: iStock - fotokostic)
Grass-fed cows on the meadows of Montana ranch. (Ohoto: iStock - Tashka)
Summer Foilage around Lower Tahquamenon Falls river flow (Photo: iStock - JerryB7)
Image of a faucet spouting water (Photo: iStock - REKINC1980)
Black ashes or charcoal texture, background. (Photo: iStock - Okrip)

Application of biochar in agricultural systems

  • By Rakesh Kumar, Jasmeet Lamba, Sushil Adhikari, Allen Torbert, and Wendiam Sawadgo │ Auburn University