Home lawn choked with dandelions

Managing a weed invasion in the home lawn

  • By Maddy Rohr │ Kansas State University Research and Extension
One way to distinguish knotroot foxtail from annual foxtail is to look at the plant roots, which have “knotty” rhizomes. (Photo courtesy of Kevin Bradley.)

Two weeds to watch in pastures, hayfields in 2024

  • By Linda Geist │ University of Missouri Extension
Chris Proctor, weed management Extension educator with the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, discussed Using cover crops as an IPM tool for managing hard-to-control weeds in no-till cropping systems at Soil Health U, Jan. 18 in Salina, Kansas. (Journal photo by Kylene Scott.)
Winter garden row crops, such as sorghum, will be discussed during the Jan. 29 Winter Garden Row Crop Conference in Hondo. (Texas A&M AgriLife photo by Laura McKenzie)
Woman removing weeds from her garden (Photo: iStock - lucentius)
Photo courtesy of U.S. Wheat Associates.

Wheat Scout School set for Jan. 22

Frost covered weed along a fenceline. (Journal photo by Jennifer Theurer.)
Late spring and early summer rains have helped crops but have weeds have also benefited from the moisture. (Journal photo by Dave Bergmeier.)

Controlling mustard weeds may be key to spring crop yields, says K-State specialist