High Plains direct slaughter cattle sales report

High Plains weekly weighted average direct slaughter cattle sales for the week ending Dec. 31 totaled 66,480 head selling, compared to 89,618 head a week ago and 100,987 head last year, according to the USDA Livestock, Poultry and Grain Market News Division, St. Joseph, Missouri.

The report was based on sales in Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado, Iowa and Minnesota feedlots.

Steers: Live FOB basis, over 80% choice, 10,908 head, 1,300 to 1,616 lbs., 119.00 to 123.50 (122.73); 65 to 80% choice, 6,878 head, 1,120 to 1,555 lbs., 121.00 to 123.00 (122.92); 35 to 65% choice, 4,860 head, 1,150 to 1,525 lbs., 121.00 to 123.00 (122.97). Dressed delivered basis, over 80% choice, 5,007 head, 866 to 1,015 lbs., 192.00 to 195.00 (194.17); 65 to 80% choice, 3,486 head, 884 to 987 lbs., 194.00 to 195.00 (194.94); 35 to 65% choice, 99 head, 875 to 930 lbs., 195.00. Live delivered basis, over 80% choice, 799 head, 1,350 to 1,500 lbs., 120.00 to 125.25 (123.55).

Heifers: Live FOB basis, over 80% choice, 8,789 head, 1,260 to 1,500 lbs., 120.00 to 123.50 (122.97); 65 to 80% choice, 6,392 head, 1,140 to 1,400 lbs., 123.00; 35 to 65% choice, 1,638 head, 1,070 to 1,300 lbs., 122.00 to 123.00 (122.93). Dressed delivered basis, over 80% choice, 4,682 head, 760 to 926 lbs., 190.00 to 196.00 (194.90); 65 to 80% choice, 1,936 head, 713 to 877 lbs., 194.00 to 195.00 (194.94). Live delivered basis, over 80% choice, 374 head, 1,275 to 1,375 lbs., 120.00 to 125.25 (124.53).