Aberdeen livestock auction report

The Hub City Livestock Auction, Aberdeen, South Dakota, reported receipts of 6,721 head on Jan. 3, compared to 3,232 head two weeks ago and 4,340 head last year, according to the USDA-South Dakota Department of Agriculture Market News, Sioux Falls, South Dakota.

No feeder cattle sale was held last week due to the holidays. Compared to two weeks ago, the steers weighing 550 to 800 pounds were selling $1 to $3 lower except those 650 to 700 pounds were selling $1 to $3 higher. The heifers from 550 to 600 pounds and 701 to 750 pounds were mostly steady, those 601 to 700 pounds were selling $4 to $5 higher with instances of $10 higher on those 600 to 650 pounds. There was good to very good demand for large offering, which was selling on an active market. There were many attractive quality steers and heifers to choose from in flesh from light to moderate plus with some heavy flesh at times. The majority of the offering was home raised and there were many loads available. Steers made up 60% of the feeder cattle supply and heifers were 40% with 92% over 600 pounds.

Feeder steers: Medium and large frame 1, 469 to 495 lbs., 182.00 to 188.00 (186.13); 506 to 542 lbs., 190.00 to 190.50 (190.29); 8 head, 539 lbs., 175.50 calves; 564 to 597 lbs., 174.00 to 185.00 (180.96); 600 to 638 lbs., 165.00 to 174.50 (172.03); 655 to 699 lbs., 159.00 to 176.25 (167.58); 701 to 746 lbs., 156.50 to 169.50 (164.45); 754 to 799 lbs., 149.00 to 161.00 (157.18); 11 head, 766 lbs., 145.00 fleshy; 800 to 844 lbs., 149.50 to 159.25 (154.48); 36 head, 832 lbs., 142.50 fleshy; 852 to 897 lbs., 147.50 to 156.00 (151.71); 929 to 946 lbs., 144.25 to 152.10 (149.74); 954 to 995 lbs., 145.50 to 151.70 (148.88). Large frame 1, 34 head, 1037 lbs., 146.00; 1075 to 1077 lbs., 148.50.

Feeder heifers: Medium and large frame 1, 4 head, 436 lbs., 167.00; 8 head, 440 lbs., 152.00 calves; 5 head, 492 lbs., 171.00; 507 to 540 lbs., 165.00 to 172.50 (168.23); 5 head, 534 lbs., 160.00 calves; 550 to 596 lbs., 152.50 to 167.00 (163.74); 600 to 629 lbs., 154.00 to 165.25 (161.09); 651 to 698 lbs., 142.50 to 159.25 (152.19); 35 head, 684 lbs., 164.50 replacement; 705 to 749 lbs., 139.00 to 147.75 (144.48); 752 to 781 lbs., 133.00 to 143.00 (140.18); 64 head, 773 lbs., 150.25 value added; 805 to 809 lbs., 138.75 to 141.75 (140.14); 16 head, 812 lbs., 130.00 fleshy; 865 to 889 lbs., 136.50 to 142.50 (140.90); 903 to 947 lbs., 134.50 to 140.25 (139.06); 963 to 975 lbs., 140.25. Large frame 1

55 head, 1092 lbs., 138.00; 1103 to 1115 lbs., 138.00.