Farmers asked to participate in University of Nebraska-Lincoln custom rate survey

The UNL Department of Agricultural Economics is asking farmers and ranchers for help in compiling its annual report on Nebraska Farm Custom rates.

Every year many farmers and ranchers inquire about prevailing rates paid for custom farm machine operations. The Nebraska Farm Custom Rates reports are some of the most requested extension publications in Nebraska.

Every other year the UNL Department of Agricultural Economics surveys farmers and ranchers regarding rates they charge for custom operations in their area. Anyone involved in providing some form of custom work in Nebraska is asked to provide their contact information in order to receive the 2018 survey and participate.

Results for the 2018 survey will be published mid-2018. Farmers and ranchers who provide custom services for others in Nebraska are asked to complete an on-line form by Feb. 15 to be added to the survey mailing list.

The survey form can be found online at the UNL Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources Farm and Ranch Management website at

Questions about the survey can be directed to Glennis McClure of UNL at [email protected] or 402-472-0661.

The custom rate survey is divided and offered in two parts.The first part is for the spring and summer operations such as tillage, planting and haying. The second part surveys operators that provide custom machine hire typically done in the fall, including grain harvest, hauling, cutting ensilage, hauling livestock and other miscellaneous operations.