Future of livestock topic for international seminar Jan. 30

A panel of international livestock experts will discuss the future of livestock at a seminar planned Jan. 30, in Washington, D.C.
Organizing the seminar are the International Food Policy Research Institute , the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany-Washington, and Farm Foundation. The seminar will be 12:15 p.m. to 1:45 p.m. EST at the IFPRI offices, 1201 Eye Street NW. A light lunch will be available at 11:45 a.m.
Livestock production is facing growing social and environmental demands. Farmers, food producers, consumers and environmentalists all have different perspectives on addressing these challenges. The seminar on Tuesday will examine the future of livestock to enhance sustainability, responsibility and efficiency.
Shenggen Fan, director general of IFPRI, will open the seminar. Providing a recap of the Global Forum on Food and Agriculture, which took place this month in Germany, will be Friedrich Wacker, head of the Directorate on International Cooperation of the German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture.
Farm Foundation President Constance Cullman will moderate the panel discussion. Panelists will include:
  • John McDermott, Director of the CGIAR Research Program on Agriculture for Nutrition and Health, IFPRI;
  • Karen Scanlon, Vice President of Sustainability for Dairy Management Inc.’s Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy;
  • Joe Swedberg, Chair of the Farm Foundation Board of Directors and a retired executive of Hormel Foods Corp.; and
  • Christopher Delgado, a consultant with the Africa Agricultural Policy Unit of the World Bank.
Providing closing remarks will be Astrid Jakobs de Padua, minister counselor for Food and Agriculture with the German Embassy.
A live webcast and post-event viewing is available, with details available here.  Use this link to register for the free seminar.