Aberdeen livestock auction report

The Hub City Livestock Auction, Aberdeen, South Dakota, reported receipts of 5,395 head selling on Jan. 24, compared to 5,217 head a week ago and 4,974 head last year, according to the USDA-South Dakota Department of Agriculture Market News, Sioux Falls, South Dakota.

Compared to a week ago, steers 550 to 650 pounds were selling $6 to $10 higher, 651 to 950 pounds were selling $1 to $4 higher except 700 to 750 pounds and 850 to 900 pounds were trading $3 to $5 lower. Heifers 550 to 800 pounds were selling $3 to $4 higher except 650 to 700 pounds were selling mostly steady. Good to very good demand for many loads and packages of steers and heifers suitable for feeding, very good demand for loads and packages of cattle suitable for summer grass. Varied flesh on the offering, from light to moderate plus with some heavy flesh at times. More light fleshed, grass type cattle available today than a week ago. Average to attractive quality on the offering. An active market throughout the sale with many buyers and producers attending. Steers made up 61% of the feeder supply, heifers 39%, 82% over 600 pounds.

Feeder steers: Medium and large frame 1, 13 head, 354 lbs., 204.00; 7 head, 427 lbs., 213.00; 15 head, 462 to 473 lbs., 194.00 to 202.00 (198.22); 505 to 546 lbs., 187.00 to 195.50 (190.38); 550 to 587 lbs., 183.00 to 199.00 (193.87); 4 head, 581 lbs., 169.00 fleshy; 600 to 633 lbs., 178.75 to 185.00 (180.42); 19 head, 642 lbs., 170.00 fleshy; 653 to 683 lbs., 159.50 to 174.00 (169.75); 19 head, 654 to 689 lbs., 152.50 to 154.00 (152.99) fleshy; 706 to 748 lbs., 152.00 to 164.00 (158.76); 12 head, 739 lbs., 146.50 fleshy; 750 to 797 lbs., 147.00 to 158.50 (153.56); 802 to 848 lbs., 142.75 to 155.10 (147.69); 851 to 892 lbs., 142.00 to 146.75 (143.76); 905 to 948 lbs., 137.00 to 144.25 (141.88); 950 to 999 lbs., 139.00 to 146.50 (144.46). Large frame 1, 1007 to 1017 lbs., 144.00 to 145.00 (144.43); 41 head, 1073 lbs., 139.00.

Feeder heifers: Medium and large frame 1, 459 to 498 lbs., 177.00 to 178.00 (177.66); 503 to 541 lbs., 165.00 to 174.00 (171.45); 558 to 595 lbs., 161.00 to 171.50 (169.50); 600 to 647 lbs., 150.00 to 163.25 (159.03); 654 to 699 lbs., 144.25 to 157.50 (153.80); 12 head, 695 lbs., 138.00 fleshy; 27 head, 661 lbs., 164.50 replacement; 701 to 743 lbs., 140.50 to 154.00 (146.94); 750 to 799 lbs., 133.50 to 147.50 (143.11); 800 to 849 lbs., 134.25 to 143.25 (139.22); 19 head, 864 lbs., 136.25; 49 head, 951 lbs., 137.00.