River Valley Beef Cattle conference Feb. 14 at Russellville

Cattle health, marketing and pasture weed control are among the items on the agenda for the 2018 River Valley Beef Cattle Conference set for Feb. 14 in Russellville.

The conference will be held at the Hughes Center, 1000 E. Parkway Ave. Registration opens at 8:30 a.m. and is $20 at the door. Contact your county extension office for more information. The conference winds up at noon with a steak lunch.

“We have a solid line up of speakers for this year’s conference to address issues that are on the minds of our cattle producers,” said Bob Harper, Logan County extension staff chair for the University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture.

This year’s agenda includes:

9:05 a.m.—Welcome by Perry McCourt of Farm Credit Services of Western Arkansas;

9:10 a.m.—Disease prevention and minimum vaccination program for beef cattle with Chris Ashworth, DVM, of Zinpro Performance Minerals;

10 a.m.—Cattle working facilities overview with Shane Gadberry, professor, ruminant nutrition, U of A System Division of Agriculture;

10:30 a.m.—Marketing cattle and calves with J.J. Jones with Oklahoma State Ag Economics; and

11:15 a.m.—Pasture weed control with John Boyd, weed scientist, U of A System Division of Agriculture.

To learn more about cattle production, visit www.uaex.edu or contact your county extension office.