Springfield Livestock Marketing report

The Springfield Livestock Marketing Center, Springfield, Missouri, reported receipts of 2,604 head selling on Jan. 24, compared to 164 head a week ago and 1,625 head last year, according to the USDA-Missouri Department of Agriculture Market News, Jefferson City, Missouri.

Due to the adverse weather conditions there was not enough receipts a week ago for a good market test. Compared to the Jan. 10 sale, steers under 650 pounds were selling $4 to $8 higher. Heifers under 550 pounds were selling $7 to $14 higher, steers over 650 pounds and heifers over 550 pounds were selling steady to $3 higher. Holsteins were selling steady to $5 lower on a light test. Demand was good, supply heavy. Trade was very active for calves suitable to graze this summer. The feeder cattle supply included 48% steers, 4% dairy steers, 39% heifers and 9% bulls. The feeder cattle supply over 600 pounds was 50%.

Feeder steers: Per hundredweight, medium and large frame 1, 300 to 400 lbs., 205.00 to 211.00; 400 to 500 lbs., 182.00 to 202.00, 498 lbs., fleshy 170.00; 500 to 600 lbs., 163.00 to 184.00, fleshy 155.00 to 173.00; 600 to 700 lbs., 145.00 to 166.00, calves 135.00 to 146.00; 700 to 800 lbs., 140.00 to 152.50, 713 lbs., calves 135.00, fleshy 135.00 to 142.00; 800 to 900 lbs., 141.50 to 147.00; 900 to 1000 lbs., 130.00. Medium and large frame 1 to 2, 328 lbs., 190.00; 400 to 500 lbs., 176.00 to 181.00; 500 to 600 lbs., 150.00 to 169.00; 600 to 700 lbs., 145.00 to 150.00; 700 to 800 lbs., 138.00 to 144.00; 846 lbs., 135.00. Medium and large frame 2, 458 lbs., 163.00, 427 lbs., thin fleshed 170.00; 700 to 800 lbs., 133.00. Large frame 1, 710 lbs., 138.00. Medium frame 1 to 2, 400 to 500 lbs., calves 178.00; 632 lbs., 146.00.

Feeder dairy steers: Per hundredweight, large frame 3, 300 to 400 lbs., 85.00 to 90.00; 400 to 500 lbs., 80.00 to 85.00; 564 lbs., 93.00; 653 lbs., thin fleshed 65.00; 700 to 800 lbs., 83.00 to 85.00. Medium frame 3 to 4, 494 lbs., 60.00. Small frame 3 to 4, 497 lbs., 55.00.

Feeder heifers: Per hundredweight, medium and large frame 1, 300 to 400 lbs., 166.00 to 179.00; 400 to 500 lbs., 153.00 to 177.00, fleshy 152.00 to 159.00; 500 to 600 lbs., 139.00 to 160.00, fleshy 135.00 to 148.00; 600 to 700 lbs., 131.00 to 146.00, calves 130.00 to 138.00; 700 to 800 lbs., 128.00 to 135.50; 800 to 900 lbs., 119.50 to 134.00. Medium and large frame 1 to 2, 200 to 300 lbs., 151.00 to 155.00, thin fleshed 168.00 to 180.00; 320 lbs., 169.00; 400 to 500 lbs., 146.00 to 161.00, 413 lbs., fleshy 140.00, 420 lbs., thin fleshed 162.00; 500 to 600 lbs., 130.00 to 145.00; 600 to 700 lbs., 129.00 to 133.00, 680 lbs., calves 125.00; 700 to 800 lbs., 122.50 to 129.00; 857 lbs., 120.00. Medium and large frame 2, 360 lbs., 157.00; 600 to 700 lbs., 126.00; 725 lbs., 126.00. Medium frame 1 to 2, 542 lbs., 130.00; 627 lbs., 128.00.

Feeder bulls: Per hundredweight, medium and large frame 1, 400 to 500 lbs., 164.00 to 187.00, 427 lbs., fleshy 179.00; 500 to 600 lbs., 142.50 to 164.00, 532 lbs., fleshy 152.50; 600 to 700 lbs., 136.00 to 144.50, calves 129.00 to 141.00; 700 to 800 lbs., 133.00 to 136.00, 720 lbs., calves 130.00; 800 to 900 lbs., 117.00 to 118.00. Medium and large frame 1 to 2, 400 to 500 lbs., 150.00 to 175.00; 500 to 600 lbs., 148.00 to 151.00; 665 lbs., 136.00, 652 lbs., calves 134.00; 745 lbs., calves 124.00. Medium frame 1 to 2, 413 lbs., 140.00.