CattleFax Cow-Calf Survey released

CattleFax has introduced its Cow-Calf Survey, sponsored by Ritchie Waterers. Information requested in the survey provides participants and the rest of the industry with valuable information regarding industry benchmarks and trends.

Survey participants will receive a results summary packet, with useful information that will allow managers and owners to evaluate their own operations. Items such as cow-calf profitability, tendencies of high and low return producers, regional data and other valuable information are included.

By completing the survey and submitting a valid email address, participants will also be entered into a drawing to win a FREE CattleFax Membership*. All individual results will be confidential and remain anonymous.

The survey can be accessed by going to and selecting the About tab at the top of the page, which contains a link for the survey. The deadline is Feb. 23.

For questions or concerns please contact Ethan Oberst, Market Analyst, at 800-825-7525 or [email protected].

Winners will be selected by a random number generator and will be contacted via email after the survey closes.