Reinke’s partnership with NCTA continues to flourish

Difficulty filling manufacturing and irrigation jobs are a major problem that faces the manufacturing and irrigation industry. Reinke is on the move to solve the problems of these shortages and create solutions with job training.

A skilled labor shortage is being addressed by providing student scholarships for workforce training for the manufacturing industry. It’s crucial to bridge the skills gap, and that’s where Reinke Manufacturing’s partnership comes into play with the Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture in Curtis.

Reinke Manufacturing has teamed with NCTA to offer an Irrigation Technician Area of Concentration. This 34-credit, hands-on program helps students obtain knowledge in electricity and mechanized irrigation systems. Reinke Manufacturing’s partnership offers access to the Reinke PLUS Certification program.

“If you learn hands on, this is an awesome program for you,” said Collin Overmann, NCTA student in Curtis. “There’s always different companies calling our program expressing their need for technicians, so [job] placement is pretty good.”

Since 2012, Reinke Manufacturing has donated thousands in scholarship funds to students enrolled in NCTA classes focusing on the Irrigation Technician concentration. Reinke Irrigation dealers including Holdrege Irrigation are a key component in the success of this program by providing students the opportunity to set forth a career plan in irrigation.

“Reinke is honored to support students focused on technical skills especially with the shortage of skilled labor,” said Reinke President Chris Roth.

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