Ice Storm

A cold front, spawned in Canada, 

rushed down to the southern plains. 

It collided with moisture from the Gulf,

bringing badly needed rains.

But, the strength behind that cold front

was greater than we thought.

The temperature fell to the twenties

and an icestorm’s what we got.

The trees all look like silver,

and they’re bendin’ ’neath the load.

The bridges and culverts iced up first. 

Now, ice covers all the road. 

Electric lines are saggin’ 

and gettin’ heavier by the hour. 

It won’t be long before they snap,

and we’ll all be out of power.

The ice is beginning to form a sheath

on every blade of wheat. 

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Stocker cattle drift with the wind,

huntin’ somethin’ they can eat.

The wind is blowin’ harder 

than it’s blown in many days. 

Every surface is gettin’ coated 

with that hard, transparent glaze.

We’re out doin’ the best we can 

to get the hay all fed.

Mama cows lead their little fall calves 

to the windbreak or the shed.

Horses look like glass copies 

of the statue, “The End of the Trail,”

adopting their stance in self defense

from this bitter icy gale.

Cars slip off the highway.

All traffic soon will halt. 

This icy onslaught is buildin’ too fast

to fight with sand and salt.

It’s gettin’ time to shut ’er down. 

We’re all done feedin’ hay. 

We’ll carry a load of firewood in, 

and then we’ll call it a day.

Tomorrow may bring broken fences. 

We may have to gather every hoof.

But, tonight we’re gonna be thankful for

four walls and a roof.

Editor’s note: Joe Kreger writes from his home in Tonkawa, Oklahoma. His CDs are available from the Journal by calling 1-800-954-5263. For personal appearance information, call 1-816-550-6549.