Spring Crops informational meeting in Kensington on Feb. 28

Increasing input costs, low grain prices and questions on cropping rotations are key issues facing Kansas producers. To address these challenges in agriculture along with your questions, K-State Research and Extension, Phillips/Rooks and Post Rock Districts, will be hosting a “Spring Crops Informational Meeting” featuring corn, grain sorghum and soybeans on Feb. 28. The meeting will be held in Kensington at the First St. John Lutheran Church (332 N. Adams), beginning at 10 a.m. and concluding at 1 p.m.

Topics for the meeting will include production practices, fertility management and crop budgets along with weed control updates for field crops. Speakers will feature KSU specialists.

A free lunch will be served thanks to sponsor Pro-Ag Marketing, Kensington. There is no cost to attend, however, pre-registration is requested by Feb. 23, either online at www.postrock.ksu.edu or to any Post Rock Extension District Office in Beloit, Lincoln, Mankato, Osborne or Smith Center. You can also email Sandra L. Wick at [email protected]. Registration can also be called in to the Phillipsburg Office of the Phillips/Rooks Extension District or email [email protected]. Ten pre-registered participants are required to hold the meeting. All producers are encouraged to attend.