Aberdeen livestock auction report

The Hub City Livestock Auction, Aberdeen, South Dakota, reported receipts of 7,004 head selling on Feb. 7, compared to 7,045 head a week ago and 6,121 head last year, according to the USDA-South Dakota Department of Agriculture Market News, Sioux Falls, South Dakota.

Compared to a week ago, steers 550 to 700 pounds were selling mostly steady, 701 to 800 pounds were selling $2 to $5 higher, 801 to 950 pounds were selling $2 to $4 lower except 850 to 900 pounds were selling steady with an instance $3 higher. Heifers 550 to 600 pounds were selling $2 to $5 higher, 601 to 700 pounds and 801 to 850 pounds were selling mostly steady, 701 to 800 pounds were selling steady to $2 lower. Good to very good demand for this large offering featuring many strings, loads and packages of both home raised and back grounded cattle in varied flesh condition from light to moderate plus, some heavy flesh at times. Overall, cattle this week are carrying more flesh than last week. Several loads and packages of home raised, reputation replacement-quality Red Angus heifers offered were met with very good demand. An active market with a full house of buyers and consignors. Steers made up 59% of the feeder supply, 41% heifers and 94% over 600 pounds.

Feeder steers: Medium and large frame 1, 481 to 490 lbs., 198.00 to 217.00 (213.88); 532 to 538 lbs., 188.50 to 197.50 (191.03); 570 to 587 lbs., 182.50 to 197.25 (194.25); 604 to 649 lbs., 170.00 to 186.75 (178.33); 8 head, 637 lbs., 164.00 fleshy; 657 to 697 lbs., 157.00 to 172.50 (165.26); 14 head, 676 lbs., 154.75 fleshy; 705 to 748 lbs., 154.75 to 169.75 (161.78); 24 head, 724 lbs., 145.75 fleshy; 754 to 798 lbs., 147.00 to 160.25 (152.85); 803 to 848 lbs., 141.00 to 147.50 (145.11); 852 to 899 lbs., 138.10 to 151.00 (144.63); 908 to 943 lbs., 140.00 to 146.50 (142.43); 952 to 993 lbs., 137.75 to 145.25 (141.17). Large frame 1, 4 head, 616 lbs., 168.00; 39 head, 976 lbs., 136.50; 55 head, 1045 lbs., 139.25; 10 head, 1105 lbs., 133.75.

Feeder heifers: Medium and large frame 1, 8 head, 441 lbs., 180.00; 17 head, 458 to 495 lbs., 162.00 to 176.00 (172.51); 520 to 543 lbs., 166.00 to 176.00 (170.20); 553 to 591 lbs., 162.50 to 175.00 (169.21); 601 to 649 lbs., 153.50 to 168.00 (161.37); 656 to 699 lbs., 140.25 to 156.75 (148.08); 700 to 749 lbs., 134.00 to 149.25 (143.23); 701 to 705 lbs., 1020.00 to 1090.00 1070.87) per head; 753 to 799 lbs., 132.50 to 145.50 (139.46); 766 to 784 lbs., 1110.00 to 1390.00 (1276.86) per head; 805 to 846 lbs., 133.00 to 140.75 (136.31); 73 head, 823 lbs., 1150.00 per head; 856 to 883 lbs., 132.25 to 134.50 (132.94); 70 head, 900 lbs., 134.75. Large frame 1, 13 head, 1053 lbs., 128.50.